Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So the chicken dinner was good, and quite awhile ago. Today being Veteran's Day I went out to Heidi's school and talked to her class about the military, and what it's like to be a veteran. Funny, I always thought that meant you were really old and had to walk with a cane. The kids wanted to skip their recess to talk to me more, it was funny, all their questions about Iraq, bugs, what we ate, where we slept, and of course the obligatory war questions that could be better off unasked. On my way back into the office, I stopped at Maverick for some gas and MOUNTAIN DEW, and had 2 people thank me for serving......it was a nice jesture, not too many people say that anymore.

I remember the Peter Breinholt concert I went to in August and he had a video that went along with his song "Edwin's Tale", pretty touching. He had all the people who had served in the military stand up and everyone cheered. It's times like that in which it's all worth it, to know that people appreciate the sacrifice of those who serve. Trust me, it's not to toot my own horn, my sacrifice has been so minute in comparison to our Fathers who came before us, it is they who deserve the accalodes. Get on youtube look at these two links. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9m06QFxb3o and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY8YWgJUEmQ this link are both amazing videos. Hug a soldier, they need it.

Okay, so that's my spiel for the day, sorry for preaching.